Package org.jibx.extras

Extra goodies for working with JiBX.


Class Summary
BindingSelector Binding selector that supports versioned XML documents.
DiscardElementMapper Custom marshaller/unmarshaller for arbitrary ignored element.
DiscardListMapper Custom marshaller/unmarshaller for arbitrary ignored content to end of element.
DocumentComparator XML document comparator.
DocumentModelMapperBase Base implementation for custom marshaller/unmarshallers to any document model representation.
Dom4JElementMapper Custom element marshaller/unmarshaller to dom4j representation.
Dom4JListMapper Custom content list marshaller/unmarshaller to dom4j representation.
Dom4JMapperBase Base implementation for custom marshaller/unmarshallers to dom4j representation.
DomElementMapper Custom element marshaller/unmarshaller to DOM representation.
DomFragmentMapper Custom content list marshaller/unmarshaller to DOM representation.
DomListMapper Custom content list marshaller/unmarshaller to DOM representation.
DomMapperBase Base implementation for custom marshaller/unmarshallers to DOM representation.
HashMapperStringToComplex Custom marshaller/unmarshaller for java.util.Map instances.
HashMapperStringToSchemaType Custom marshaller/unmarshaller for java.util.Map instances.
IdDefRefMapperBase Abstract base custom marshaller/unmarshaller for an object that may have multiple references.
IdRefMapperBase Abstract base custom marshaller/unmarshaller for an object reference.
JDOMWriter JDOM implementation of XML writer interface.
ObjectArrayMapper Custom marshaller/unmarshaller for Object[] instances.
QName Representation of a qualified name.
TestMultRoundtrip Test program for the JiBX framework.
TestRoundtrip Test program for the JiBX framework.
TypedArrayMapper Custom marshaller/unmarshaller for reference arrays of a particular type.

Package org.jibx.extras Description

Extra goodies for working with JiBX. These are helper classes that can be useful but are not core to the JiBX framework.

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