CodeGen default code generation

You can use the Ant 'codegen' target to generate code from the schema using the CodeGen default settings. Here's the actual 'codegen' target from the build.xml:

  <!-- generate using default settings -->
  <target name="codegen" depends="check-runtime,clean">
    <echo message="Running code generation from schema"/>
    <java classname="org.jibx.schema.codegen.CodeGen" fork="yes"
        classpathref="classpath" failonerror="true">
      <arg value="-t"/>
      <arg value="gen/src"/>
      <arg value="otasubset/OTA_AirLowFareSearch*.xsd"/>

This passes the '-t' parameter to CodeGen with the value 'gen/src' to tell it the target generation directory. The third argument value tells CodeGen to use schemas from the otasubset directory with names matching the pattern "OTA_AirLowFareSearch*.xsd" as input for code generation. You can specify as many schema names or schema name patterns as you want when running CodeGen, but must have at least one - otherwise there's nothing for CodeGen to generate!

Generated code

Run the 'codegen' target and see the gen/src directory. You can also use the 'full' target to generate and compile the code, run the binding compiler, and finally run a supplied test program which roundtrips the sample documents from the samples directory.

TODO: add discussion