
Class Summary
AgentInfoGroup Agency information.
AirInfo Specifies the Air Deviation Request information.
BookingDocumentRQ This message requests booking related documents and the delivery method for a given Reservation ID.
BookingDocumentRQ.CruiseDocument The document and the delivery method of the request.
BookingDocumentRS Provides confirmation that the documents will be delivered as requested.
BookingDocumentRS.CruiseDocument The document and the delivery method of the request.
BookingHistoryRS This message provides a detailed service history for the reservation requested.
BookingHistoryRS.HistoryInfos A collection of history info items.
BookingHistoryRS.HistoryInfos.HistoryInfo Used to provide history of the booking.
BookingHistoryRS.HistoryInfos.HistoryInfo.Items Collection of changed items.
BookingHistoryRS.HistoryInfos.HistoryInfo.Items.Item History item details.
BookRQ The book request message requests booking creation on the cruise line system for a given sailing with a specific mode of transportation/ gateway city pair and currency and for a selected fare/category pair and a cabin number.
BookRQ.DeletedGuest Specifies the information of the deleted guest from the current booking.
BookRS The book response message contains booking information for a given sailing with a specific mode of transportation/gateway city pair and currency and for a selected fare/category pair.
BookRS.ReservationID Specifies the reservation control information or the guest's booking ID in modification mode (e.g.
CabinAvailRQ The Cabin Availability Request message requests Cabin Availability for a given sailing with a specific Mode of Transportation/GatewayCity pair and currency and for a selected fare/category pair.
CabinAvailRQ.SearchQualifiers Used to further qualify the cabin availability search.
CabinAvailRS The Cabin Availability Response message contains a list of cabins available for a given sailing with a specific Mode of Transportation/GatewayCity pair and currency and for a selected fare/category pair.
CabinAvailRS.CabinOption Contains information about the proposed cabin, It locates the cabin on the ship and gives the cabin bed configuration.
CabinAvailRS.CabinOption.CabinFilters Collection of cabin filters.
CabinAvailRS.CabinOption.CabinFilters.CabinFilter Used to describe the features of the cabin.
CabinAvailRS.Dining Schema fragment(s) for this class:
CabinHoldRQ The Cabin Hold Request message requests up to four cabins to be held on up to three sailings specific Mode of Transportation/GatewayCity pair and currency and for a selected fare/category pair.
CabinHoldRQ.GuestCounts Specifies guest quantity and guest types.
CabinHoldRQ.SearchQualifiers In this message Past Passenger Number and Residency can used to hold the Cabin.
CabinHoldRQ.SelectedSailing Contains information related to the selected sailing.
CabinHoldRS The cabin hold response message is used to return the list of cabins with the status of thier hold request.
CabinHoldRS.SelectedSailing Contains information related to the selected sailing.
CabinHoldRS.SelectedSailing.SelectedCabin Cabins for the given sailing for which a hold has been requested.
CabinOption Specifies cabin option info.
CabinOption.CabinConfiguration Specifies cabin bed configuration.
CabinOption.MeasurementInfo Provides area information related to the cabin.
CabinUnholdRQ The Cabin Unhold Request message requests that the specified cabin, currently held for a given sailing, be released back into inventory by the sailing vendor.
CabinUnholdRQ.SelectedSailing Identifies the voyage(s) where the cabin is to be released Schema fragment(s) for this class:
CabinUnholdRS The Cabin Unhold Request message requests that the specified cabin, currently held for a given sailing, be released back into inventory by the sailing vendor.
CabinUnholdRS.SelectedSailing Contains information related to the selected sailing(s).
CabinUnholdRS.SelectedSailing.SelectedCabin Cabins for the given sailing, for which release is being requested.
CancellationPricingRQ The cancellation pricing request message is used to price the cancellation penalities if a reservation were to be cancelled.
CancellationPricingRS The cruise cancellation pricing message returns the computed cancellation penalities.
CancellationPricingRS.ReservationID Specifies the reservation control information or the guest's booking ID in modification mode (e.g., PNR Record Locator and/or Vendor Confirmation Number).
CategoryAvailRQ The Category Availability Request message requests Category Availability for a given sailing with a specific Mode of Transportation/GatewayCity pair and currency and for selected fares (depending on the cruise line).
CategoryAvailRQ.SearchQualifiers Used to further qualify the category availability search.
CategoryAvailRS The Category Availability Response message contains category availability for a given sailing with a specific Mode of Transportation/GatewayCity pair and currency for 1 to multiple fares (depending on the cruise line).
CategoryAvailRS.FareOption Fare and associated categories information.
CategoryAvailRS.FareOption.CategoryOption Contains available category information.
CategoryAvailRS.FareOption.CategoryOption.Dining The status per dining seating.
CategoryAvailRS.FareOption.CategoryOption.PriceInfos Collection of price infos.
CategoryAvailRS.FareOption.CategoryOption.PriceInfos.PriceInfo Contains the pricing monetary information.
CruiseBookingInfo Contains pricing and payment information for the booking.
CruiseBookingInfo.BookingPrices Specifies the booking prices for the booking.
CruiseBookingInfo.GuestPrices Specifies the guest level price information.
CruiseBookingInfo.GuestPrices.GuestPrice Specifies the guest and prices at the guest level.
CruiseBookingInfo.PaymentSchedule Specifies the payment schedule information.
CruiseBookingInfo.PaymentSchedule.Payment Used to specify multiple currency amounts as well as payment types (e.g., deposit, final).
CruiseCabinGroup Contains the cabin-specific information.
CruiseCategoryDetailGroup Specificies cruise category information.
CruiseCategoryGroup Contains the berth and price category codes.
CruiseDiningGroup Specifies the Dining Information Schema fragment(s) for this class:
CruiseGuestInfo Contains guest information for the specified sailing.
CruiseGuestInfo.CancellationPenalty Penalty information for cancelling a reservation.
CruiseGuestInfo.GuestDetail Specifies the Guest information Schema fragment(s) for this class:
CruiseGuestInfo.GuestDetail.AirAccommodations A collection of air accommodations.
CruiseGuestInfo.GuestDetail.AirAccommodations.AirAccommodation Specifies guest air accommodation information.
CruiseGuestInfo.GuestDetail.ContactInfo Specifies the guest contact address and phone number as well as the emergency contact.
CruiseGuestInfo.GuestDetail.LinkedTraveler Specifies cross references at the guest level.
CruiseGuestInfo.GuestDetail.SelectedOptions Specifies a gift, amenity, or other options (e.g., include gratuity).
CruiseGuestInfo.GuestDetail.SelectedOptions.Sequence Schema fragment(s) for this class:
CruiseGuestInfo.GuestDetail.SelectedPackages Specifies the selected packages.
CruiseGuestInfo.GuestDetail.SelectedPackages.SelectedPackage Specifies the package information such as Pre/Post/Shorex/Bus/Transfer.
CruiseGuestInfo.GuestDetail.SelectedSpecialServices Specifies the Special Services information Schema fragment(s) for this class:
CruiseGuestInfo.LinkedBookings Collection of linked bookings.
CruiseGuestInfo.LinkedBookings.LinkedBooking Specifies cross references at the booking level.
CruiseGuestInfo.PaymentOptions Collection of payment choices.
CruiseGuestInfo.PaymentOptions.PaymentOption Payment choice.
CruiseInsuranceGroup Specifies the Insurance information Schema fragment(s) for this class:
CruisePackage Defines pre/post/shorex/bus/transfers packages Schema fragment(s) for this class:
CruisePackage.Location Specifies the activity location (e.g., port city for excursion, bus stop for transfer).
CruisePackageGroup Specifies package type.
CruisePriceGroup Specifies the pricing information Schema fragment(s) for this class:
CruiseProfile Used to specify the data requirements.
CruiseProfile.CruiseProfileInner Contains the cruise attribute information, identifying those items which are mandatory, modifiable, or have required maximums.
CruiseReservation Schema fragment(s) for this class:
CruiseReservation.PaymentsDue A collection of payments due.
CruiseReservation.PaymentsDue.PaymentDue Information on a due payment Schema fragment(s) for this class:
DeckGroup Provides the number and name of a ship deck.
DiningAvailRQ The Dining Availability Request message requests Dining Availability for a given sailing and for selected fares (depending on the cruise line).
DiningAvailRQ.DiningRoom Specifies the requested dining room options .
DiningAvailRQ.DiningRoom.Seating Specifies the table size and age categories.
DiningAvailRS The Dining Availability Response message contains a list of dinings available for a given sailing and for a selected fare.
DiningAvailRS.DiningOption Contains information about the proposed dining.
DiningAvailRS.DiningOption.DiningRoom Specifies the dining room information.
DiningAvailRS.DiningOption.DiningRoom.SittingDetails Contains the list of sitting details.
DiningAvailRS.DiningOption.DiningRoom.SittingDetails.SittingDetail Contains information about the meal sitting.
DocumentHandling Specifies the document handling information.
DocumentHandling.VendorOption Indicates vendors available for document delivery.
FareAvailRQ The Fare Availability Request message requests Fare Availability for a specific sailing with a specific Mode of Transportation/GatewayCity pair and currency.
FareAvailRS The Fare Availability Response message contains fares availability for a given sailing with a specific Mode of Transportation/GatewayCity pair and currency.
FareAvailRS.FareCodeOptions Specifies the different fare options available for the selected sailing.
FareAvailRS.FareCodeOptions.FareCodeOption Specifies the fare information available for the selected sailing.
FareGroup Specifies fare code and group code.
FastSellRQ The Fast Sell Request message requests cabin hold, cabin availability, category availability, and optionally an inclusive package.
FastSellRQ.GuestCounts Specifies guest quantity and guest types.
FastSellRQ.SelectedCategory Specifies the category for the Fast Sell.
Guest Provides information regarding the guest name and the guest's mode of transportation.
GuestInfoGroup Specifies the Guest information Schema fragment(s) for this class:
GuestTransportation Specifies the guest transportation type.
InfoRQ Used to request miscellaneous structured cruise information (e.g., cruise ship characteristics, embark/debark time for cruise, cruise policy, cruise line contact).
InfoRQ.Information Used to define an information request.
InfoRS Used to provide miscellaneous structured cruise information (e.g.
InfoRS.Information Details of the requested information.
InfoRS.Information.ShipInfo Defines the ship characteristics.
InfoRS.Information.ShipInfo.Ship Defines the ship details.
ItineraryDescRQ The itinerary description request message is used to request the itinerary description on a specific cruise booking.
ItineraryDescRS The cruise itinerary description response lists the entire itinerary of a specific sailing and returns detailed information about each location on the itinerary.
ItineraryDescRS.CruiseItinInfo Identifies a specific location in the itinerary as well as the docking information.
ItineraryDescRS.CruiseItinInfo.DateTimeDescription Specifies the event date and time.
LocationInfoGroup Specifies details about a particular location Schema fragment(s) for this class:
LoyaltyInfoGroup Identifies the loyalty membership of a guest or prospect Schema fragment(s) for this class:
PaymentRQ This message provides for payments to multiple reservations.
PaymentRQ.ReservationPayment Payment information for a reservation.
PaymentRS This message provides confirmation of payment for each reservation and payment requested.
PaymentRS.ReservationPayment Payment information for a reservation.
PaymentRS.ReservationPayment.PaymentDetail The details of the payment applied.
PkgAvailRQ The package availability request message handles pre, post, and inclusive package availability requests for a given sailing.
PkgAvailRQ.GuestCounts Specifies guest quantity and guest types.
PkgAvailRQ.GuestInfos Collection of guest information.
PkgAvailRQ.GuestInfos.GuestInfo Specifies the guest information.
PkgAvailRS The package availability response message contains information about which packages are available for the given sailing.
PkgAvailRS.CruisePackages Contains the list of packages available for the sailing, which meet the supplied query criteria.
PkgAvailRS.CruisePackages.CruisePackage Specifies the type of package options to query for, that the cruise might offer with the sailing.
PkgAvailRS.CruisePackages.CruisePackage.PriceInfo Provides price information regarding a package.
PkgAvailRS.GuestCounts Specifies guest quantity and guest types.
PNRUpdateNotifRQ PNR Update is an unsolicited message.
PNRUpdateNotifRS The PNR update response message is simply an acknowledgement from the Notif recipient indicating they received the Notif message.
PNRUpdateNotifRS.ReservationID Specifies the reservation booking ID number and optionally the PNR control information.
PriceBookingRQ The Price Booking Request message requests pricing information for a given sailing with a specific Mode of Transportation/GatewayCity pair and currency and for a selected fare/category pair and a cabin number.
PriceBookingRQ.GuestCounts Specifies guest quantity and guest types.
PriceBookingRS The Price Booking Response message contains pricing information for a given sailing with a specific Mode of Transportation/GatewayCity pair and currency and for a selected fare/category pair.
PriceBookingRS.ReservationID Specifies the reservation control information or the guest's booking ID in modification mode (e.g.
PriceInfo Specifies price info.
ReservationID Schema fragment(s) for this class:
ReservationStatusGroup Provides the synchronization datetime as well as the reservation status code Schema fragment(s) for this class:
SailAvailRQ The Sailing Availability Request message requests Sailing Availability for a geographical region on a specific date for a specific number and passengers.
SailAvailRQ.CruiseLinePrefs Collection of cruise line preferences.
SailAvailRQ.CruiseLinePrefs.CruiseLinePref Specifies sailing preferences such as cruise line and ship code.
SailAvailRQ.GuestCounts Specifies guest quantity and guest types.
SailAvailRS The Sailing Availability Response message contains sailing availability for 1 to many cruise lines for a given region or ship on a date and duration range.
SailAvailRS.SailingOptions Contains the different sailing availability options that customers can choose from.
SailAvailRS.SailingOptions.SailingOption Specifies a sailing availability option per cruise line and per ship.
Sailing Specifies sailing information.
Sailing.Dining Identifies the availability of the particular sitting.
SailingCategoryInfo Provides category information for the specified sailing.
SailingCategoryInfo.SelectedCategory Specifies a selected cabin category.
SailingCategoryInfo.SelectedCategory.CabinAttributes Collection of category-level cabin attributes.
SailingCategoryInfo.SelectedCategory.CabinAttributes.CabinAttribute List of attributes associated with all cabins in the specified category.
SailingCategoryInfo.SelectedCategory.SelectedCabin Specifies the selected cabin information.
SailingCategoryInfo.SelectedCategory.SelectedCabin.CabinAttributes Collection of cabin attributes.
SailingCategoryInfo.SelectedCategory.SelectedCabin.CabinAttributes.CabinAttribute List of attributes associated with this cabin.
SailingInfo Contains information pertaining to the selected sailing.
SailingInfo.SelectedSailing Contains information related to the selected sailing.
SailingInfo.SelectedSailing.ArrivalPort Contains cruise arrival port information.
SailingInfo.SelectedSailing.DeparturePort Contains cruise departure port information.
SailingSearchQualifier Search qualifiers that can be used to identify a cruise.
SailingSearchQualifier.Port Provides information regarding the port.
SearchQualifier Search qualifiers that can be used in cruise availability/fare/category to avail special search data.
SearchQualifier.Dining Provides a search filter by dining sitting.
SearchQualifier.Residency Defines where the passenger resides for fare calculation purposes.
SearchQualifier.Status Provides a search filter by the status of sailing, category, fare, or cabin.
SelectedSailingGroup Identifies a specific sailing by voyage number, dates, and/or cruise line information.
ShipReferenceGroup Specifies a vendor and ship.
ShorexAvailRQ The shorex availability request message requests shore excursions for a given sailing and currency.
ShorexAvailRQ.GuestCounts Specifies guest quantity and guest types.
ShorexAvailRS The shorex availability response message contains shore excursion packages that are available for the given sailing/ports.
ShorexAvailRS.GuestCounts Specifies guest quantity and guest types.
ShorexAvailRS.ShorexPackages Contains the list of shore excursion packages.
ShorexAvailRS.ShorexPackages.ShorexPackage Specifies the type of package options to query for, that the cruise might offer with the sailing.
ShorexAvailRS.ShorexPackages.ShorexPackage.PriceInfo Provides price information associated with a shore excursion.
SpecialService Specifies the special service requirements.
SpecialServiceAvailRQ The special service availability request message requests special services offered for a given sailing/reservation ID or to request details for a specific special service.
SpecialServiceAvailRQ.GuestCounts Specifies guest quantity and guest types.
SpecialServiceAvailRS The special service availability response message contains information about which special service packages are available for the given sailing.
SpecialServiceAvailRS.SpecialServices Contains the list of special services available for the sailing, which meet the supplied query criteria.
SpecialServiceAvailRS.SpecialServices.SpecialService Contains the specific special service information.

Enum Summary
CabinOption.PositionInShip Schema fragment(s) for this class:
CabinOption.ShipSide Schema fragment(s) for this class:
CategoryLocation Specifies the category location preference.
CruiseGuestInfo.GuestDetail.SelectedOptions.DeliveryLocation Schema fragment(s) for this class:
CruiseGuestInfo.PaymentOptions.PaymentOption.PaymentPurpose Schema fragment(s) for this class:
CruiseProfile.ProfileTypeIdentifier Schema fragment(s) for this class:
ItineraryDescRS.CruiseItinInfo.DateTimeDescription.DateTimeQualifier Schema fragment(s) for this class:
SpecialService.Association Schema fragment(s) for this class: